Credit & Budget Counseling
Understand your credit report and score. Escape the cycle of living paycheck-to-paycheck. Be confident about your financial future. Get help with your Student Loans.
We have helped many people just like you. We can help you too.
Credit Report Review
Your credit can impact your financial well-being and the ability to achieve your financial goals.
A Parachute Certified Counselor can help you better understand your credit report and what you can do to improve your credit health and financial future. Fee: $35
Your counselor can:
- Thoroughly review all three of your credit reports and your FICO credit score
- Explain the factors that impact your credit score
- Show you how to dispute errors on your credit report
- Recommend the best path forward to improving your credit score and achieving your credit goals
Credit Report Review Express
Reviewing your credit report on a regular basis is critical. Take early action against signs of potential identity theft or fraud, and to dispute possible errors.
A Parachute certified financial counselor can help you stay on top of your credit and on track towards your credit related goals. Fee: $20
Financial Coaching
Knowing how much you want to spend and save is not the same as being able to do it. Keeping a budget and spending plan is hard!
A Parachute certified financial counselor can teach you not only to make a budget, but to keep it and achieve your financial goals. Fee: $50
Your counselor can:
- Thoroughly review your monthly household income and living expenses
- Explain what your credit report and score mean for you
- Help you create a monthly budget unique to your needs
- Teach you best practices for actually keeping that budget
- Guide you through both setting personal financial goals and making plans to achieve them
Student Loan Counseling
Your student loans were supposed to fund your dreams. Paying them back can force those dreams to the backburner. But they don’t have to.
A Parachute certified financial counselor can show you how to manage your student debt without pressing “pause” on life. Fee: FREE
Your Counselor can:
- Thoroughly evaluate your student loan debt
- Explore repayment options based on your unique situation:
- Consolidation loans
- Income driven repayment plans
- Deferments
- Help you apply for the appropriate option
Support you in communicating with your student loan lender
Small Business Credit Review
Don’t let your new business venture get held back by your credit! Credit affects both startup loans and seeking additional capital for business growth.
A Parachute certified financial counselor can help you navigate that crucial next step for success. Fee: $35
Your Counselor can:
- Thoroughly review your credit report and score and explain what it means for you
- Evaluate your debt and explore repayment options
- Make recommendations to improve your credit score
- Guide you to small business lending and funding resources
I would recommend a friend to seek assistance from this agency. I have paid off $24,000 in debt in 5 years. I worked hard every day and stayed motivated. I did it!!!

Irma M.
Debt: $24,000
Bankruptcy Counseling
Parachute offers EOUST-approved bankruptcy pre-file counseling and pre-discharge bankruptcy education. We are “Approved to issue certificates in compliance with Bankruptcy Code. Approval does not endorse or assure the quality of an Agency’s services.”
Bankruptcy Pre-File/Credit Counseling Course
One of two required courses needed in order for a person to file bankruptcy. The Pre-File course is needed before the bankruptcy case can be filed with the court. $50/filer
Your counselor can…
- Help you understand bankruptcy and the bankruptcy process
- Thoroughly review both the potential positives and negatives of filing bankruptcy
- Evaluate your personal financial situation, including:
- Monthly household income
- Living expenses
- Debts
Once your session is complete your counselor will issue you the certificate that is required in order to file your bankruptcy. This certificate is good for 180 days from the date and time issued. If you are not able to file the bankruptcy within the 180-day time frame, then due to the U.S. Department of Justice bankruptcy regulations, the course must be retaken.
Pre-Discharge/Debtor Education
The second and last required course in a bankruptcy proceeding. The certificate from this course is required for your debts to be legally discharged. $50/filer
Your counselor can…
- Teach you the importance of setting realistic financial goals
- Help you better manage your money with effective budgeting
- Show how credit scoring works
- Offer tips to rebuild your credit score
Once your session is complete your counselor will issue you a certificate of completion.
Approval does not endorse or assure the quality of an agency’s services.